Specialvideo wishes you the Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year ❄ Our company will be closed from 24/12/2020 to 06/01/2021.
With Specialvideo, a custom-made artificial vision project starts with a feasibility study carried out in our laboratories, based on the customer’s technical information and samples.
The sales engineer, dedicated to your project, searches for the lighting solution that brings out the surfaces and details that need to be analyzed. When the images acquired in the laboratory are satisfactory, the design passes to the software and hardware that will be put into production.
The interaction with the Customer characterizes our method, already from this preliminary study phase. It allows us to produce a reasoned commercial offer, oriented to the required performance.
We wish you a happy summer and inform you that our offices will be closed from August 10th to 23rd.
Activities will resume on Monday 24 August. We are also reactivating the work at the offices and laboratories on our premises. Gradually, with the utmost protection of the health, a lot of Smart Working, and with our wish for the resumption of the country.
Following the Dpcm of 10 April 2020, Specialvideo has resumed the activity on site. At the moment the reception and shipment of goods are reactivated.
The commercial, administrative and technical departments will remain active in smart working mode, to protect the health of our staff and lend a hand to the country by reducing the traveling.
We are therefore reachable by phone, e-mail and available for remote assistance services.
Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibu lum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.