Applications Case History Industry Tecnologies

Ultra-high resolution 100% product inspection scanner

In the field of industrial quality control, ultra-high resolution images are characteristics of spot checks carried out with optical instruments by specialized operators.

Specialvideo offers the automation of visual inspection at very high resolutions, through::

  • the selection of cameras combined with appropriate high quality optics
  • the study of lighting and background, to enhance the details of the product and its defects
  • the design of the motion scan to inspect 100% of the product surface
  • the design and development of the application code, with classic Computer Vision and Deep Learning, also combined in hybrid solutions based on the strengths of both types of software: reliability, precision and generalization.

The total size of the product and the cycle time, selected by the customer, will be the basis of the design of the scanner, which can be composed of a group of several cameras, which can be matrix o linear cameras depending on the type of inspection.

The following image, deliberately enlarged to allow to see the resolution of 3 microns per pixel, shows a technical fabric for filtering, with a 80 micron thick thread.

Scanner per ispezione del prodotto al 100%: tessuto tecnico per filtraggio con scala risoluzione

In the following figure, a series of images are analyzed by an Anomaly Detection Neural Network which depicts the output in blue for portions recognized as compliant and in red for non-compliant portions:

Scanner per ispezione del prodotto al 100%: tessuto tecnico per filtraggio ispezionato da rete neurale